You are required to view your performance and
perform a self-critique. Please email me your response no later than one week
after receiving your speech video. The self-evaluation is worth 1 point. After
one week, 1 point will be deducted from the speech score.
This should be one to three paragraphs. You do not need to
worry about organization and grammar. Just write freely. You do not need to
answer all of the questions listed here, just what you feel is most relevant.
Evaluate your speech according to the
following two categories:
- Introduction
- Thesis (was it clear, slowly and simply stated in your introduction?)
- Organization/presence of transitions and signposts/easy to follow your ideas?
- Use of evidence
- Conclusion (did you end with a review of your main points?)
- Eye contact (did you read from your notes too much? look at audience members?)
- Filler language (“um,” “ah,” “like”)
- Nonverbal delivery/gestures/posture
- Verbal delivery (inflection, emphasis, volume, rate)
- Overall effectiveness—be honest! How would you rate yourself as a speaker at this time? What are some areas that needing improvement
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