Friday, November 1, 2013

Online Assignment 2_Meredith


I somewhat agree that I am an Experiencer, because I truly am motivated by self-expression, new possibilities excite me, and I do enjoy things that are unconventional and original. I also agree with the way Experiencers spend their money, for I spend my income on clothes, socializing, and “entertainment” like concert tickets, movies, and places to go. I won’t deny wanting to spend my money on “cool” stuff either! I don’t agree that I like risky things, and I’m not into exercise and sports or most outdoor recreation. The only “favorite thing” I agree with on this list is being entertained. I cannot say I have ever used any of the other things on the list.

I don’t really identify with the characteristics that go with being an Innovator. While I am confident, I wouldn’t say I’m very successful or that sophisticated yet in my life. As a college student, my purchases definitely do not reflect a taste for upscale, expensive products and services. I would disagree that I’m among emerging leaders in business and government, as I’m not interested in those fields as a career. The one thing I would agree with is that I value my image as an “expression of [my] taste, independence, and personality.” I like to express who I am. As for the “favorite things” of innovators, I would only agree with a rewarding experience as one of my favorite things—the other three, I don’t have any strong feelings toward.

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